FY 24 Initial Operating Budget
Tomecka Woody
Chief Financial Officer
Office Phone: 706.441.0601 ext 1007 tomecka.woody@mcssga.org

Lisa Powell
Accounts Payable/Purchasing
Office Phone: 706.441.0601 ext 1008 lisa.powell@mcssga.org
Tracy Hinton
Payroll Specialist
Office Phone: 706.441.0601 ext 1009 tracy.hinton@mcssga.org

Catera Woods
Office Phone: 706.441.0601 ext 1016 catera.woods@mcssga.org
The CHIPRA notice provides contact information for various states’ Medicaid and CHIP premium assistance programs. These programs may help employees pay for premiums under their employers’ group health plans. Please click on the documents below for more information.
Please click here for information regarding CHIPRA.
Please click here for CHIPRA FAQ’s.
Please click here for Information regarding HIPP.